Ferrari Sheppard skriver här om sin resa till Isarel och Palestina. Vad han upplevde rent konkret och vilka slutsatser han drar från sina erfarenheter. Läsvärt!
En bit in i sin presentation av artikeln, flikar Sheppard in följande:
"Contrary to what's been reported in the news for years,
there is no Israeli-Palestinian conflict. None, zero, zilch,diddly-squat.
I can say with confidence that Palestinians have no agency.
The Israeli government controls everything in the country.
This total control which is most magnified in the West Bank,
concerns everything from where Palestinians are
permitted to travel, to how much water they consume per month.
Currently, there is no 'conflict,' only the omnipresent power of the
Israeli government and those who resist it.
This is important to understand."
Efter att ha berättat om sina förberedelser, själva resan, slutsatserna han dragit och hur tankarna går efteråt, avrundar Sheppard med följande ord:
"I will never disregard the Holocaust which left millions of
European Jews dead or scrambling for survival.
There is nothing that will ever right the wrongs committed
by the brutal German regime. On the same note, I will never
minimize Germany's first, and little-known, genocide against the
Herero and Namaqua of Africa, or King Leopold's bloody reign on the continent.
Tragedy is tragedy, one should not be placed above the other,
nor should a past tragedy justify the next."